Mittagong / Bowral Area Freeze Level Prediction
The charts on the next page help predict the possability of low level snow in the Southern Higlands.
Plots have been taken from the GFS/AVN model and predicted freeze levels calculated from the corresponding
temperature and height of the 850hpa layer.
This is a guide only as it is only one models prediction of the current upcoming temperature trends.
The Freeze level is represented  in two graphs
These are calculated at extremes of Lapse Rates
Saturated Adibatic Lapse Rate is usually around 6C/KM or 0.6C/100m this usually only occurs within a totally
saturated Atmosphere >95%RH from 1000hpa - 850hpa
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate is usually around 10C/KM or 1C/100m and usually ocurs within a very dry atmosphere
The Actual Lapse Rate or Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) can vary from anything in between
Hence we plot for both extremes of Lapse rate and the actual temp should fall within these two graphs
For example from looking at the stats at some point in time the freeze level may vary between 1100m and 1300m
this means that if the atmosphere is saturated then the freeze level may be closer to 1100m or if the atmosphere is very dry then then the freeze level will be closer to 1300m.